About Let's Build

Let’s Build gathers regional, national and international artists to work with skilled individuals and invite groups, schools, residents and visitors of Yeovil to participate in a series of ‘workshops’, encouraging to take part, make and learn. A mobile unit will be built to take the project to different locations in Yeovil and further afield, offering workshops as well as showcasing exhibitions and events.
Our Artists
Lisa CHEUNG (UK/Spain)
Sammy DELGADO ESCOBAR (Spain / Columbia)
Stephen IVES (UK)

Our Partners

Phoenix English Language School
St Michael’s Academy
Yeovil Country Park
Yeovil Men’s Shed
Buckler’s Mead Academy
RAISE South West
Quedam Shopping Centre
*We are looking for community groups and organisations to work with us. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more. 
Our Supporters & Funders
South Somerset District Council
Arts Council England
For the latest news and events of Let’s Build
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/letsbuildyeovil
Website: eastvilleproject.org.uk/letsbuild
Twitter: @eastvilleyeovil #letsbuildyeovil